À propos du livre
"My Life" is a heartwarming comic book created by a 9-year-old author. Handwritten and illustrated entirely by her, the book features eight captivating stories that delve into the lives of different children. From their everyday adventures to their dreams and aspirations, readers follow along as each character navigates the ups and downs of growing up. Through charming illustrations and relatable narratives, "My Life" offers a delightful glimpse into the world of childhood imagination and creativity. And yes, you might come across a few adorable spelling errors here and there, adding to the genuine charm of the young author's work.
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Caractéristiques et détails
- Catégorie principale: Livres pour enfants
- Catégories supplémentaires Bandes dessinées
Format choisi: 15×23 cm
# de pages: 84 -
- Couverture souple: 9798321465257
- Date de publication: avril 02, 2024
- Langue English
- Mots-clés Original storytelling, Creativity at age 9
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