À propos du livre
In 2018 bezocht ik ruim 60 oldtimer evenementen en musea in Nederland, België, Duitsland, Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten op zoek naar die prachtige beeldjes (mascotte/ornament). Het resultaat van die zocktocht is gebundeld in twee delen, waarvan u nu deel 1 in handen hebt. Het is geen encyclopedie van 'hood ornaments', maar meer een poging om de lezer een indruk te geven van hoe kunst en de auto toentertijd heel goed samen konden gaan. Dit boek is dan ook verre van compleet, maar compleet genoeg om de lezer en kijker kennis te laten maken met de prachtige wereld van de auto mascottes.
CAR ART is a book about car mascots or hood ornaments. This is part 1 with cars and mascots from 1900-1945. All the pictures were taken in 2018 (a couple in 2017) at classic car events in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and the United States. It's not an encyclopedia of car mascots, but it will give the reader a good idea of hood ornaments through the years. This book contains about 300 different mascots from over 100 car manufacturers. Part 2 will be released shortly with mascots from 1946-2009.
Caractéristiques et détails
- Catégorie principale: Livres d'art et de photographie
Format choisi: Format paysage, 25×20 cm
# de pages: 440 - Date de publication: nov 24, 2018
- Langue Dutch
- Mots-clés classic cars, mascots, hood ornaments, prewar
À propos du créateur
Patrick Beckers is from Maastricht, The Netherlands. He has been taken pictures since 1981, but it really became a hobby from 1987 onwards. He started his photograph-career with motor-racing pictures. These days, architecture photography is his specialty, although once or twice a year, he still turns up at motor-racing events. From 1998 til 2008, he travelled around the world to take pictures of the world's tallest skyscrapers and he even released some books on this subject. Since 2012, taking pictures of European castles has been his main objective. Many of his (architecture) pictures have been used in books, magazines, leaflets, and on other websites. His website, his photography, his publishing and other journalistic work have always been done as a hobby, with no direct means of commercial profit. The little profit, if any, he makes, he uses to update his photo equipment and to pay for his travel expenses.