À propos
<br> "Hey," Willa asked her room mate, "what was that I just saw you taking, we both agreed, no illegal drugs in the apartment!!!" "It's not illegal" Kiana replied, "at least I don't think it is!" ""Don't think it is," Willa retorted, "if you're not sure, you shouldn't be taking it!!!" "Well," Kiana replied, "I don't think it's illegal because it doesn't even have a name!" "Willa walked into the bathroom, stuck out her hand, and said, "Give, let me see it!!!" "Okay," she replied while handing it over, "but you gotta promise not to tell anyone!!!" "This looks like a piece of tree bark," Willa said, "and you chew this stuff?!?" "Uh huh," Kiana replied, "it really works great!!!" "What does it do," Willa asked, "give you a buzz!?!" "Oh, no," Kiana said quickly, nothing like that, you don't feel anything at all!!!" "Well if you don't get high," Willa questioned, "then what the heck is it good for!?!" Kiana looking embarrassed, replied, soft