À propos
Helping Build Bridges Across "aka" H.B.B.A.
A Community with an Open Door.
In this Community, an Eagle is referenced often. An Eagle Knows, life has STORMS, that can knock you down, designed to steal your Hope and leave you defeated. An Eagle uses the Strong Winds of a Storm Rising Higher, taking time to Heal, to assess the Damage, deciding what to do with the pieces left around him?! Could it be that our lives are not just about us? Could it be that for some of us, we decide to use our Pain, the Experience that found us and shares, with the Hearts that don’t speak, that harbor pain alone, those battle thoughts, silently defeated, hidden behind a smile?!
God’s Grace, God’s Wisdom, His Purpose and His Plan. He Knows the “Heart”. He knows the End from the Beginning. Our love is expressed by “each of us” doing our part, whatever that looks like, a smile given, a listening ear offers something. Always a choice to Retreat or Continue Forward. Live Full.
"No One Said Easy"
Domaines de compétence
Blogger/ Speaker / Author
My Vocation "heart titled", Artist, releasing what is lodged in my heart with words, by images, praying it can be a Hug, a Smile, a Consideration. I release the work and God decides where it travels, He knows the Truth, the Whole Truth, He knows the Heart.
It's not just what happens to us along life's journey, it's what we choose to do with it that travels with generations. This is my way of making Pain Pay Dividends.