
Michael Pierre Price

À propos

Michael was born in 1954 and grew up in northwest Indiana amid the towering presence of oil refineries and steel mills. He earned a degree in physics and did three years graduate work in theoretical astrophysics. He left academia to pursue a 30-year career in game design. Michael has worked on more than 75 games and entertainment products.

While in his 30s, Michael began an exploration of his Native American roots. This led him on a spiritual journey into Canada where he was able to spend time learning from Indigenous elders. His spiritual practices are a major influence on his work today, as is his interest in neuroscience and psychology.

In 2010, Michael left the game industry to become a digital artist. Since then, he has developed and refined a unique artistic perspective. Michael creates his original fine art prints based on his own specialized mathematical and algorithmic digital processes, combining his inspirations from mathematics, physics, psychology, and spirituality.

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