

À propos

<br> Massage is a treatment alternative which has gained popularity for chronic pain relief and soreness. Massage can ease tension in the skin's superficial muscles, allowing them to heal. Massage chairs offer massages that are specifically designed to target these same muscles in patients who are experiencing soreness or stiffness. Massage therapy is typically available at rehabilitation clinics as part of a comprehensive therapy program designed for patients suffering from injuries, range of motion problems, aging, and different health problems. Massage chairs offer reliable, safe and convenient ways to provide treatment for patients who require the rehabilitation process as well as day to everyday exercise.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>The purpose of myofascial release therapy is to decrease the pain and increase function. There are many ways to massage chairs. A common method used is stretching. The