
Peter Young

Port Chester, NY, USA
À propos

Peter A. Young, a gradutate of Princeton University and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, developed special coverage of the fiftieth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution during his two-and-a-half years as Moscow Bureau Chief for Life magazine, and subsequently he reported the Soviet invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia as Life’s Vienna Bureau Chief. He covered events in the Middle East as a correspondent based in Paris, interviewing scores of Arabs for a special issue on Arab-Israeli relations and the Palestinian question.
Young later interviewed Chile’s Marxist leader Salvador Allende shortly before Allende's assassination. He profiled former Ambassador George H. W. Bush during the debate over the admission of Communist China to the United Nations and later interviewed the first Communist Chinese ambassador to the UN.
A managing editor of The Saturday Review during the 1970s, Young became Editor-in-Chief of Archaeology in 1987 and held that post for 23 years.

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