
Randal Pair

Los Alamos, NM, United States
À propos

B.A. in Liberal Arts, St John's College
M.S. in Biology (Plant Ecology), University of New Mexico
26 years of mostly field-oriented work in environmental protection and natural resources for US Forest Service, US Office of Surface Mining, Arizona Depart of Transportation, and US Bureau of Land Management. Many years of volunteer work for Boulder County (CO) Nature Association, City of Boulder (CO) Mountain Parks, Pajarito Nature Center (Los Alamos NM).

A good photograph captures in one moment and in one place a distillation of truths common to many similar places and times. As a retired biologist-ecologist fortunate to have worked, lived, and traveled in and to many wonderful places, I have experienced many such moments. Moments when Nature has caught my eye and revealed something beautiful or evocative. I hope to share these moments with others.

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