À propos
Hello! My name is Robert Aaron Wiley, and welcome to the holiday world of Mr. Bindlegrim! An alter ego, if you will, for myself who never had much restraint when it came to holidays - always starting too soon, or too late (as evidenced by my parents confiscating that obnoxious 70s Halloween vinyl, I was playing over and over well after the holiday was done). Later in life, 2004 to be exact, I rediscovered my interests in these traditions, exploring them through art, writing, and music.
You can read more about the most current photography book "The Grim Happy Christmas" or the Halloween illustrated poem "The Pummpkin Dream" (both books from the library of Mr. Bumble Bindegrim) at my holiday blog (http://bindlegrim.blogspot.com), or visit the holiday art website at (www.bindlegrim.com).